Evergreen Junior High counselors are available to help with all student needs. We provide academic and social emotional support, as well as college and career planning. Our goal is to help all of our students find success within school and beyond. Our website will help you access the wealth of resources available to our students both within our school and within Granite School District.
Tips for a Great First Day of School
The first day of school can be emotionally and physically draining, especially with all of the anticipation and excitement surrounding the first day. Help your students prepare for a great first day of school by following these tips: 1. Prepare the night before. Decide what to wear and lay out your outfit. Pack your backpack and don't forget your schedule! 2. Go to bed early and get plenty of sleep. If you are worried about the next day, take some time to talk to someone about your worrying thoughts or write them down. 3. Eat a hearty and healthy breakfast. 4. Pack or bring money for a healthy lunch. Also, make sure you have a full water bottle. 5. Relax. Understand that everyone feels anxious the first day, even teachers. The first day is all about learning your schedule, meeting your teachers, and catching up with friends.
Keep on soaring Evergreen Eagles! Never give up!! (enjoy this short animated video)
Counseling Center Newsletters
Our Counseling Center newsletter is given to students once a quarter. These newsletters contain a calendar of upcoming school events and holidays, as well as SEL information and tips and information to help our students be successful, healthy, and happy.